Seller: Ivanov Sergey Alekseevich – the author of the monograph “Ikratkoye Interaction”
INN 780201631158; Tel. +7 (921) 393 63 82; mail rd99sp@mail.ru.
Product: an electronic version of the monograph “Ikratkoye Interaction” (in Russian) and article “IKRATKOYE INTERACTION” (in English) in PDF format.
Cost of Product:
- 1,000 (one thousand) US dollars – for individuals;
- 10,000 (ten thousand) US dollars – for companies.
Rights and obligations of the seller and the buyer of the electronic version of the monograph “Ikratkoye Interaction” in PDF format:
- The Seller undertakes no later than 24 hours after receipt of payment to send to the Buyer´s e-mail address a link to download the electronic version of the monograph “Ikratkoye Interaction” in PDF format.
- Individual Buyers of the Product undertake to use it for personal purposes only (download, get acquainted with the text, read as a whole or in parts, etc.) Individual Buyers have the right to download copies of the electronic version of the monograph to any personal devices belonging to the individual Buyers.
- Companies buying the Product have the right to make copies of the monograph for their employees.
The Buyers are prohibited to:
- transfer or send out the electronic version of the monograph “Ikratkoye Interaction” in PDF format (hereinafter referred to as the monograph) to third parties, both in whole and in part;
- publish the monograph publicly through well-known broadcasting channels such as radio, TV, magazines, newspapers, etc.;
- reproduce a monograph, that is, make copies of a monograph or parts of it in any material form, if this reproduction is made with the purpose of further distribution;
- bring the monograph to the public using the Internet and other digital networks, including posting the monograph on any websites, mobile applications and other resources;
- alter, change or otherwise process the texts of the monograph;
carry out any other actions in relation to the use of the monograph that violate copyright protection laws.
Buyers of the electronic version of the monograph undertake not to use the knowledge resulting from the discovery of the yon and Ikratkoye Interaction for military purposes, promotion of violence, production of weapon.
The Seller undertakes to make a refund of the payment made by the buyer if it is impossible to download the electronic version of the monograph “Ikratkoye Interaction” in PDF format through the fault of the Seller.
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The procedure for purchasing the electronic version of the monograph “Ikratkoye Interaction” in PDF format:
- A Buyer who wishes to buy an electronic version of the monograph “Ikratkoye Interaction” in PDF format and accepts the obligations and restrictions imposed on him in this regard, informs the Seller by sending a message to the Seller´s e-mail address rd99sp@mail.ru. In the message the Buyer indicates his details (last name, first name, patronymic – for individuals; the details required for invoicing for Companies) and the e-mail address to which the Seller should send details for payment for the purchase of electronic version of the monograph “Ikratkoye Interaction” in PDF format.
- Upon receipt of the Buyer´s message the Seller send the details for payment to the specified e-mail address of the Buyer.
- The Buyer executes the transfer of the price of the Product to the bank account provided by the Seller. After the successful execution of the payment, the Buyer informs the Seller by sending a respective message to the e-mail address of the Seller rd99sp@mail.ru.
- The Seller undertakes no later than 24 hours after receipt of the payment to send to the Buyer´s e-mail address a link to download the electronic version of the monograph “Ikratkoye Interaction” in PDF format.
- The Buyer downloads the electronic version of the monograph “Ikratkoye interaction” within 24 hours after receipt of the link and confirms to the Seller that the download is completed. In case of any technical problems with the download the Seller undertakes to take all necessary and possible measures to resolve the difficulties encountered by the Buyer when downloading the monograph. The Buyer undertakes to use the link exclusively for own download. Transfer of the link to third parties is prohibited.
- Upon successful download of the monograph by the Buyer, the Seller undertakes to send to the Buyer’s e-mail address a confirmation of the payment in the form of receipt.
- The Seller undertakes to make a refund of the payment executed by the Buyer in case of irresolvable issues with the download by the Buyer.
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